Welcome to the embryonic website of Earth Family Office. What are we?
Let’s start with a definition of a Family Office, excerpted from “The Family Office – A Comprehensive Guide for Advisers, Practitioners, and Students” by William I. Woodson and Edward V. Marshall, published by Columbia Business School in 2021:
“Family offices are entities set up by a single family, or by or for a group of families, to manage their assets and affairs. They are used to address the issues that come with substantial wealth, including dealing with complexity and helping family members achieve their goals (e.g., simplicity, purpose, legacy, family harmony, passing down wealth, investment management, philanthropy, and so on). In this context, family members are called “principals”, and the senior staff of a family office are referred to as “family office executives”. Principals are the primary members of the family that the family office supports, although there are situations where multiple generations and/or extended family members can use the services of a family office. Family offices vary in design, operations, and services delivered, depending on the needs of the principals.”
Families and groups of families are living systems “nested” or embedded within larger living systems such as in the local communities or neighbourhoods within which they live and work, which are nested within ever larger living systems at the scale of towns, cities, countries, bioregions, continents and the planet. And of course Earth herself is nested within larger systems.
This brings us to the “what” and “why” of Earth Family Office. Here’s where we are perhaps a little different from the “norm” insofar as we don’t like to use “labels” that might restrict the many ways in which we aim “to contribute to enabling, supporting and advancing the highest evolutionary potentials and regenerative flourishing of people and planet“. (Our “Why” or “Mission”).
In terms of our “What”, we are developing as a complementary and synergistic (and wordy!) mix of:
A “Systemic Wealth Accelerator” comprising a regenerative, collaborative, multi-capital, multi-intelligence, “trim tab” evolutionary enterprise and inclusive networked “nodal” platform with Human-AI-Nature systemic imagination, innovation and investment technologies. The notion of “systemic wealth” takes its inspiration from the etymology of the word “wealth” dating back more than 700 years. At one time, “wealth” and “weal” were synonyms; both meant “riches” and “well-being.” Both words stem from “wela”, the Old English word for “well-being,” and are closely related to the Old English word for “well.” Hence, today, using terms such as “systemic wealth” or “whole wealth” are intended to help recapture the origins of “wealth” and expand its meaning and purpose for future generations.
The language we use for Earth Family Office and that others use for us and the work we do, will continue to evolve, as life should…
Reach out at Contact@EarthFamilyOffice.com to let us know what you’re most interested in receiving more information about, and how that relates to what you’re currently doing or want to do, to contribute to advancing collective flourishing.